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What if you could turn back the time? Jason Paul did it and the outcome is amazing!

Don’t we all know the feeling – some days, just everything seems to go wrong – a little clumsiness to spill your drink, forget your keys, bump into people or break something, causing a mess… Well, all that and more happens to German Freerunner Jason Paul in the latest Red Bull Video. Only this time, Jason has been doing his magic backwards, so the clip shows him undo all the mishap – Endresult: Reverse Timing extraordinaire!

Red Bull, who are known for their passion of extreme sports, have been supporting Freerunner Jason Paul for a while and have produced some amazing videos together. We were of course very pleased when Red Bull have approached FORTIS to feature a suitable watch in their latest video “Jason Paul, Master of Time”.

“Red Bull were looking for a timepiece which combines passion, reliability, sturdiness and beauty and are extremely pleased to be collaborating with our legendary Swiss Brand” said Jupp Philipp, owner of FORTIS Swiss Watches.

Watch the video which has now been released and enjoy the talent of Jason

Freerunning is impressive in itself but doing it backwards to create the illusion of turning back the time is taking it to a whole new level!

Or shall we say, Jason Paul is truly the Master of Time 😉

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